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How I Read, Annotate, and Organize Web Pages and Keep Track of Important Info without Wasting Time

How I read, annotate, and organize web pagesIn this post, I want to share with you how I read, annotate, organize, and summarize the web.

Here are the benefits I have gained:

  • I read with pleasure.
  • I remember more and can re-find the important info I come across on the web.
  • I save a ton of time.

Most of us who read online waste enormous amounts of time: We hook our brains up to massive news streams to keep up with things. Unfortunately, even most of the information that matters to us and could help us in our life gets drowned out and is forgotten the next day, or at best a few days later.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

Yes, a lot of what we consume doesn’t really have an impact on our life; it is purely for entertainment and distraction, so it makes perfect sense to forget it.

But what about the really important information bits you come across while reading? Do you forget these too?

And if you remember these nuggets, can you quickly reconnect to the web pages where you found them? Can you remember the ideas you had when you read an article?

Simply bookmarking all “worthy” articles you come across, or worse, clipping them and putting them in a giant archive doesn’t solve the problem.

If you do that you will often have to re-read the whole page to remember why it was important.

Most of the information in your archive, you will never look at again, yet it will become a burden and demand time and effort to be maintained.

My two most common reading scenarios:

  1. Reading to answer a specific research question, such as “does NAC help with sleep?”
  2. Capturing information nuggets and the thoughts I had while reading the daily news or following a subject that interests me.

Let’s get started with scenario 1, answering a research question:

Read moreHow I Read, Annotate, and Organize Web Pages and Keep Track of Important Info without Wasting Time

Using Diigo to Collect, Highlight, Annotate, and Share Web Pages – Part 1

diigo-sticky-notes-RememberEverythingOrgWhether you are writing a paper or article, planning a holiday, or checking house prices for your move to a new city, you are likely going to do an internet search using Google, Bing, or Yahoo, and then browse the search results yielding numerous web pages and forum discussions. Many of the pages contain some valuable information you will want to collect. While reading a page, you might come across important passages you want to highlight or annotate to capture your ideas related to that information.
Consequently, during the course of your internet research, you are likely going to have visited anywhere between 5 and 100 different web sites.

No matter for what project you are doing your web research, you are going to face similar questions as to how to manage all this information:

Read moreUsing Diigo to Collect, Highlight, Annotate, and Share Web Pages – Part 1


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