Book Remember Everything You Want and Manage the Rest – Background

Remember Everything You Want and Manage the Rest by Helmut Sachs

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Book Basics

Title: Remember Everything You Want and Manage the Rest:
Subtitle: Improve your Memory and Learning, Organize Your Brain, and Effectively Manage Your Knowledge
Page Count: 273
Word Count: >55000
Suggested Retail Price: US $ 9.99 [Kindle Edition]
Year of Publication: 2013
Available from:


Remember Everything You Want and Manage the Rest Cover Large


Remember Everything You Want and Manage the Rest is a truly practical guide for anyone who really wants to master information, rather than just learn and forget. To this end, this book merges memory and learning improvement techniques with personal knowledge management and modern computer software.
If you are a student, professional, or life-long learner who wants to stay on top of information, then this book is for you!

There are several books out there that teach memorization techniques. Some of them teach them really well. But – they don’t tell you how to manage what you have learned, and they don’t tell you how to to distill and organize the important information, so that you can re-find and use it while it is relevant. Unfortunately, relying only on memorization, after a very short time you will have forgotten most of what you have learned.

This book is different: It covers the most effective memory improvement techniques, including mnemonics. But it doesn’t stop there! You are not left alone on the other half of the journey: Managing and reinforcing what you have learned, and managing information that is important but doesn’t have to be learned, so that you can re-find it fast and use it effectively.

In this book, you learn:

  • Highly effective memory improvement techniques allowing you to learn and review faster, pass exams, memorize foreign language vocabulary with confidence, and improve your memory in all areas of your life.
  • Methods and mostly free computer software to distill, organize, and review information from all kinds of sources.
  • How to re-find your information with ease, build a personal digital library, and create bibliographies for your own writing by clicking only a few buttons.
  • Innovative ways to take and manage notes, including techniques such as mind mapping and outlining.
  • How to improve your attention span and concentration and beat absentmindedness and stress.


Helmut SachsHelmut Sachs is the author of Remember Everything you Want and Manage the Rest. For the last several years, he has been teaching creative and critical thinking and information literacy at colleges and in workshops. He is also the primary blogger at
Helmut spent many years managing and implementing projects for large enterprises in Europe and Asia, and has extensive experience in information management and professional training.

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